Learning how to play jazz piano is the next stage to take in your piano lesson training. After taking piano basic piano lessons, you should have a basic understanding of the keyboard. To have a good feel for playing jazz, you should have a good understanding of chord construction and formation, feeling the rhythm of the song and keeping a steady beat. You should also have a good understanding of the twelve scales and their modes. This sounds like a lot of work, but if you love music, and want to be the best that you can be at playing the piano,this work should come easy. You must also have a basic understanding of piano theory.
Learning how to play jazz piano, involves learning all twelve basic scales. you should also learn their triads. A musician should know how play a solo in any key. Knowing how to do this, will help you sit-in and play with any band at any time. In order to do this, you should start practicing the scales on the piano with your right hand. Once you feel comfortable with your right hand, start training your left hand. Once this is accomplished, start using both hands together playing the scales up and down the keyboard. Start slowly with both hands on the piano, playing each scale for one octave.
Learning how to play jazz piano will put a lot of pressure on you at first, but the rewards will last a lifetime. Playing jazz on the piano will give and get you great rewards in your life and finance. Learning jazz piano is a life long commitment. There are so many styles, scales and voicing in jazz, that you will never know everything in playing this type of music. One thing would help, is to start listening to different types and style of music.
You will begin to see results when you put aside a certain time each day to do your jazz lessons, when you start learning how to play jazz piano.